Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Presentation I

Envisioning the Partnership of Human and AI in English Language Teaching and Learning Page 1-3
A. Gumawang Jati
Augmented Reality for Young Learners Page: 4-8
Finita Dewi
Developing English Learning Media Virtual Reality-Based for Teaching Young Learners in EFL Context Page: 9-18
Made Hery Santosa, Made Agus Mandala Putra, I Dewa Ayu Ogik Vira Juspita Banjar, I Komang Agus Putra Adi Permana
The Use of Socrative in English Language Teaching Classroom: Students’ Perspectives Page: 19-24
Alan Jaelani
Introducing Critical Reading to Senior High School Students with Web 2.0 Tools as Authentic Materials Source Page: 25-28
Amalul Umam, Suci Ramadhanti
Penggunaan Teknologi dalam Pengajaran Berbicara dan Menyimak untuk Pemelajar BIPA Page: 29-32
Arnita Setiawati
Teaching-Media Innovation and ICT in EFL Teaching and Learning Activities: Needs Analysis Page: 33-48
Asmi Rusmanayanti, M. Laili Hanafi
Corpus Based Learning of Verb-Preposition English Collocation Page: 49-53
Asti Ramadhani Endah Lestari
SUNAN as E-Learning Resource: A Challenge to Face the Digital Era Page: 54-56
Atik Rokhayani
The Effects of Infographic to Enhance Students’ Comprehension on Writing Descriptive Text Page: 57-63
Dewi Suriyani Djamdjuri, Muhammad Furqon, Winda Nur Habibah

Presentation II

Implementing Exambro Application as Android Based Test Page: 64-67
Eka Rosita, Siti Hajar Larekeng, Azwar Azwar
Aloud Reader Android App. for Self-directed Speech Training Page: 68-73
Erma Perwitasari
Exploring Millennial Students' Engagement in a Blended Learning Environment Page: 74-77
Evi Fitara, Movi Riana Rahmawanti
Practicing English Pronunciation through Google Translate and Talktyper Page: 78-81
Evi Nurisra Aprilia Sari
Investigating Teacher’s Reluctance in Using Mobile Technology in ELT: An Indonesian Context Page: 82-88
Farida Noor Rohmah, David S. Aditya
Using Plickers for Formative Assessment in Language Teaching and Learning Page: 89-93
Fidalia M. R.
Online Answer Sheets: An Answer to Multiple-Choice Scoring Problem? Page: 94-97
Hananto Hananto
English Video Blogging (E-Vlog) in Teaching Speaking: Technology Practices in Real Teaching Page: 98-101
Harianto Harianto, Hardiyana Hardiyana
Hacking Classroom Instructions with “The Missionâ€: Dealing with Gen Z Students Page: 102-104
Idwan Deshira
Developing Undergraduate Students’ Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity through E-Module Project Page: 105-111
Ignasia Yuyun

Presentation III

Students’ Voice on Instagram as Technology Assisted Learning: A Case Study at Senior High Students Page: 112-119
Irmayanti Irmayanti, Rahmatul Ummu Arifin
A Survey on Using Mobile Technology to Enhance English Language Learning in Indonesian Higher Education Page: 120-126
Isry Laila Syathroh, Trisnendi Syahrizal, Bachrudin Musthafa, Pupung Purnawaman
Using Kahoot! in Language Learning: Reformulating the Concept of Clever Teacher to Creative Teacher Page: 127-130
Komilie Situmorang
The Implementation of Orai as Artificial Intelligence for Digital Native Students in English Speaking Learning Page: 131-138
Lu’luil Maknun
English Education Students as Pre-Service English Teachers’ Perception on Quizizz: Considering Mall Utilization as a Pedagogical Tool Page: 139-142
Maman Suryaman, Fajarudin Akbar, Syifa Salsabila
Storybird—Artful Storytelling as the Alternative to Teach Writing Page: 143-147
Maulidia Rachmawati Nur
The Importance of Multimedia Learning Tools in Education Page: 148-151
Mazulfah Mazulfah
Boosting EFL Students’ Competency in Writing Captions on Instagram Page: 152-171
Meita Lesmiaty Khasyar, Iksan Cahyana
Boosting Students’ Participation in Viewing Flipped Materials Page: 172-176
Muizzudin Muizzudin
The Use of Edmodo as a Learning Management System in Extensive Reading Course Page: 177-182
Nasrullah Nasrullah, Asmi Rusmanayanti, Asmi Rusmanayanti

Presentation IV

Quizlet and Vocabulary Building: Technology Implication in Real Teaching Practice Page: 183-185
Nurazizah Nurazizah, Salasiah Ammade, Jurana AT
Quizizz in Reading Achievement Page: 186-189
Nurul Indah Abubakar, Nurul Istiqamah As’ad
Educational Mobile Apps to Enhance Language Learning in EFL Classroom Page: 190-193
Oktianti Dwi Aryani
The Effects on the Use of Google Classroom and Seesaw Class Applications towards Students’ Attitude: A Comparative Study Page: 194-199
Paskalina Widiastuti Ratnaningsih
Enhancing Learners’ Listening Skill through Lyrics Training Page: 200-203
Safitry Wahyuni, Edmundo Gomes Junior
Kahoot as a Game Based Technology: A Solution For E-Learning Novices Page: 204-208
Sri Awaliyah Nasir, Mutiah Nur Adzra, Indrawati Natsir
Using Game-Based Technology, Kahoot! for Classroom Enhancement Page: 209-212
St Nurfajri Damayanti Ahmadi, Purnama Olasbuh
Games in EFL Pedagogy: Is still Effective for Vocabulary Building? Page: 213-218
Suhria Suhria, Fahirah Faharuddin
A Study Investigating Students’ Self-efficacy in Writing Genre through Blended Learning Page: 219-231
Testiana Deni Wijayatiningsih, Riana Eka Budiastuti
The Use of Web Sources to Enhance the Material Development of Morphosyntax Page: 232-241
Theresia Cicik Sophia Budiman

Presentation V

The Effectiveness of English Videos to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Page: 242-246
Tuminah Tuminah
Using Pictologics in Teaching Grammar to the Senior High School Students Page: 247-260
Yayu Sri Rahayu, Agus Kusnandar
Improving Students Writing Skills by Collaborating Using Google Classroom and Google Docs Page: 261-268
Zhilal El Furqaan
The Use of AI for Writing: What do We Have in Store? Page: 269-272
Endang Setyaningsih
Implementing Autonomuous Learning with Padlet in Writing Classroom Page: 273-276
Enni Erawati Saragih, Alan Jaelani
Gamification for Grammar Learning in Higher Education Page: 272-279
Indah Sri Redjeki, R. Muhajir
The Use of Technology in Enhancing Language Learning in EFL Context: Senior High Schools Students’ Voice in Ambon Page: 280-287
Louisa Sarah Kamanasa, Hendrik Jacob Maruanaya
Development of Interactive Multimedia Based on Adobe Captivate in Indonesian Language Learning in Improving Student Learning Outcomes at SMA Muhammadiyah I Denpasar Page: 288-292
Dewi Sri Merdekawati, Anggun Nugroho

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