iTELL Conference, iTELL Conference 2022

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Researching EFL Students’ Disengagement in an Online Content Classroom: A Pilot Study
Candra Dewi Dwika Wardani

Last modified: 2022-09-29


Literature study shows that students’ engagement plays an important role in the teaching andlearning process in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. Unfortunately, not allEFL classes succeed in maintaining students’ engagement. This pilot study aimed to explorefactors that cause students' disengagement during lecturers' presentation sessions in a TeachingEnglish for Adults Learners (TEAL) class that were conducted online through the Zoomapplication. The study sample consisted of 3 university students at a private university inCentral Java, Indonesia. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. Thepreliminary results of this pilot study would seem to indicate that limited interaction, students’personal interest, and task difficulty became primary factors of students’ disengagement in anonline class. The result from the study is expected to be a reference for TEAL teachers or thoseteaching similar classes to increase their awareness of students' learning needs and preferences,which will be useful in improving their students’ engagement in the class. In the end, theresearcher invites the audience of this conference to provide constructive feedback for her pilotstudy.

Full Text: Page: 197-201