iTELL Conference, iTELL Conference 2022

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The Use of Video-mediated Activities in Online Learning to Teach Expressions of Compliment and Showing Care
Muhammad Hanura Revrison, Astri Hapsari

Last modified: 2022-09-29


This best practice aims to describe the use of video-mediated activities in online learning to teach expressions of compliment and showing care in grade X students in a senior high school. The activities were implemented in presentation, practice and follow-up production after the class. In the presentation stage, video-mediated activities were conducted by presenting a YouTube video to build the students’ prior knowledge on expressing compliments and showing care. It also led to examples and exercises on the practice stage during the online classroom sessions. Online-video mediated activities were also used as assignments for students. They were assigned to record their performance in a short video and upload the video in Google Classroom to assess their speaking skills in expressing compliments and showing care. From my reflection after doing the best practice, I learned that the video-mediated activities can make students more engaged in the learning process. They got good practice exam scores and have good learning motivation to perform the assignment. Therefore, the online video mediated activities facilitated students’ engagement in learning English.

Full Text: Page: 325-333