iTELL Conference 2022

Yogyakarta, 14-15 July 2022

Sahid Raya Hotel & Convention Yogyakarta.

Registration and Submission

Accomodation Information

Event Rundown

iTELL (Indonesia Technology-Enhanced Language Learning) – an association for Indonesia’s Technology-Enhanced Language Learning Practitioners in collaboration with Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta and British Council will conduct its fourth conference 

with the theme:

Online Learning: 
then, now and future directions

We invite language teachers, practitioners, scholars and students to share their successes, challenges and the latest findings in this conference.

Call for Abstracts

All abstracts can be written and presented in Bahasa Indonesia or English

• Abstract of maximum 200 words should be submitted along with a maximum 50 words author’s biography
• Abstracts accepted for Paper Presentation are scheduled for a 20-minute presentation
• Abstracts accepted for Workshop are scheduled for a 45-minute presentation

Submit your abstract here

Plenary Speakers

Colm Downes
British Council
Elysa Hartati
Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
Gumawang Jati
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Finita Dewi
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Topics to Discuss

  • Online Learning During C-19 Pandemic
  • Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT)
  • Current Practices in Mobile-Assisted Language Learning
  • Developments in Mobile Teaching and Learning
  • Collaborative and/or Interactive Learning with Technology
  • Teaching Learning Practices with Social Media Technologies and Beyond
  • E-learning and the Challenges
  • The Role of Teacher and Learner in Technology-Mediated Learning
  • Teacher Education and Technology Integration
  • Digital Game-Based Learning
  • Virtual Communities and Teaching-Learning Practices
  • Technologies for Teacher Education
  • Creating and/or Managing Online Teaching Learning Environment
  • New Developments in Pedagogy of Language Teaching and/or Content with Technology
  • Technology and Assessment Practices
  • Multimedia-Based Teaching and Learning
  • National, Regional and International Challenges and/or Reforms in Technology Use
  • Cyber-culture, Identity, and Language
  • Blended Learning and Technologies
  • Virtual Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Augmented Reality
  • Other Related Areas

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline  14 February 2022  28 February (Extended)
Notification of selected abstracts  11 April 2022
Full paper submission deadline  23 May 2022
Early Bird registration deadline  30 May 2022
Registration Deadline  17 June 2022

Conference Fees

Early Bird Presenter
IDR 650.000
Regular Presenter
IDR 750.00
Early Bird Participant
IDR 600.000
Regular Participant
IDR 700.000
Undergraduate Presenter
IDR 500.000
Undergraduate Participant
IDR 450.000

Publication Opportunities

Conference papers will be published in iTELL Conference Proceedings with e-ISSN (optional).

Get access to iTELL 2018 Conference Proceedings here, and iTELL 2020 Conference Proceedings  here

Selected papers will be published in:

JELE – Journal of English Language and Education) – – Sinta 4

Academic Journal Perspective: Education, Language and Literature – – Sinta 3

Payment: TBC

Bank BNI
No Rek 4260000424
a.n Yayasan Wangsamanggala
