Saturday Tech-Talk with Joe Dale and iTELL

Saturday Tech-Talk is an initiative from the British Council Indonesia and Co-Design with an independent languages consultant, Joe Dale and Indonesia Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (iTELL) association. This biweekly webinar series consists of 10 webinars which featured 1 or 2 UK presenters and 1 Indonesian presenter in each session.  The series aims to facilitate discussion around effective classroom practice in a remote, hybrid and face to face context with teachers sharing what has worked for them and suggesting how others could replicate the same practice. The idea is not to give step by step guides to individual tools, but to mention some tools which are considered effective in the presenters’ teaching context, share reflections and provide attendees with tips and tricks they can try out too. By the end of each webinar, participants are expected to get some key takeaways from the presenters to be applicable in their own classroom practices.

#1 Virtual Reality and Artificial Inteligence in ELT

#2 Designing Exciting and Engaging Material in Language Lessons

#3 Maintaining Classroom Interaction

#4 Embracing Collaboration in Language Classes

#5 Nurturing Autonomous Language Learners

#6 Fostering Students’ 21st Century and Metacognitive Skills

#7 Tips on Designing and Planning Blended Learning Environment

#9 Personalizing Feedback for Your Students

#10 Assessment for Learning: Practical Ideas